A Mecha Construction and Campaign Supplement Using the Genesys Roleplaying System
Form Fillable Character Sheet
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Mechasys Character Sheet
Suggested price: $1.95
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Ready your megawatt beam rifle, load your hyper bazooka, and prepare to launch off into your own mecha-sized adventures! Mechasys is a Genesys supplement that empowers players with the ability to create fantastic, towering robots for use in their campaigns. The mecha construction system parallels that of Genesys characters providing mecha characteristics, equipment, and talent-like upgrades to make your mecha your own unique construction. Also included are dozens of new mecha-pilot-focused archetypes and talents as well as rules for using your mecha and their pilots in dynamic ways.
Teasers from GM Phil’s blog, Fragments from the Edge:
- Announcing Studio 404's Next Product: Mechasys
- Mechasys Sneak Peek: Playing with Planetary-scale Characters
- Mechasys: Mecha Construction Preview
“Great product, perfect for running any sort of mecha inspired game. Most attempts at mecha games either get bogged down in too much crunch or keep things extremely loose and narrative. This product finds the sweet spot between those two different approaches, enough depth to keep players engaged, but streamlined enough you can get it on the table quickly.”
“Offering a ton of options along with additional rules from mecha minions to new pilot and crew incidentals/maneuvers/actions to a mecha critical hit table, all of which nevertheless plug easily into the existing structure of Genesys, Mechasys offers not just a detailed effort to bring mecha adventures to the table, but an accessible one.”
Read the full Cannibal Halfling Gaming review here.