Legwork and Larceny
This supplement provides GMs the tools they need to make heist encounters fun and exciting in the Genesys system. Legwork and Larceny empowers your players with tangible benefits for their impending mission. Heist Complexity guides GMs when building heist encounters, and allows PC dice results to modify them while running them. For those looking for a playstyle similar to Blades in the Dark, Flashback talent allows preparation to pay off without interrupting the action.
“This great little book is absolutly worth checking out. They managed to pack a ton of great advice, tips, and tricks into a very small page count. I really like the Flashback talent and will definitely make that a part of my games. if you are interested in heists, if you like shadowrun type games, or if you are looking for cool ways to enhance your dungeon crawls, this resource is one you really should pick up.”